The Modern House in Columbus
USAThe outlook of the modern house's garden is the poster for the movie.
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- Title: The Modern House
- Location: Miller House, Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Movie: Columbus (2017)
- Latitude: 39.22742689
- Longitude: -85.92277270
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to Miller House, here are the airports closest to it.
1. Indianapolis International Airport
The airport that is closest to Miller House is Indianapolis International Airport, which is located 63.1 kilometers (39.2 miles) away from there.
2. Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport
Next closest is the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport airport, which is located 110 km (68.4 miles) away from Miller House.
3. Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport
The airport that is third closest is Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport, which is 118.2 km (73.5 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Columbus from 2017:
1. The Hospital
- Location: Columbus Regional Hospital
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.21696934, -85.89605661
2. The Inn
- Location: Inn at Irwin Gardens
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.20403228, -85.91797235
3. The Library
- Location: Cleo Rogers Memorial Library
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.20407641, -85.91880400
4. The Church by the Library
- Location: First Christian Church
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.20309346, -85.91906962
5. The Conference Center
- Location: Irwin Conference Center
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.20384068, -85.92136867
6. The Park
- Location: Mill Race Park
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.20545944, -85.92730147
7. The Office
- Location: The Republic Newspaper Office
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.22741866, -85.89831619
8. The Bridge
- Location: Robert N. Stewart Bridge
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.19847707, -85.92498607
9. The Church
- Location: North Christian Church
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.22999980, -85.91610657
10. The Bank
- Location: First Financial Bank
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.22923336, -85.90368280
11. The School
- Location: Southside Elementary
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.17248479, -85.93737211
12. The House by the Creek
- Location: Columbus Regional Mental Health
- Region: Columbus, Indiana, USA
- Coordinates: 39.21944448, -85.89535171
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
The Hospital | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Inn | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Library | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Church by the Library | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Conference Center | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Park | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Office | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Bridge | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Church | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The Bank | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The School | Columbus, Indiana | USA |
The House by the Creek | Columbus, Indiana | USA |