The Helicopter in Kyoto in Inception
- Title: The Helicopter in "Kyoto"
- Location: Farnborough Airport, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK
- Movie: Inception (2010)
- Latitude: 51.28302555
- Longitude: -0.77731773
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to Farnborough Airport, here are the airports closest to it.
1. London Heathrow Airport
The airport that is closest to Farnborough Airport is London Heathrow Airport, which is located 30.2 kilometers (18.8 miles) away from there.
2. London Gatwick Airport
Next closest is the London Gatwick Airport airport, which is located 43.6 km (27.1 miles) away from Farnborough Airport.
3. Southampton Airport
The airport that is third closest is Southampton Airport, which is 54.8 km (34.1 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
London Heathrow Airport | LHR | 30.2 km |
London Gatwick Airport | LGW | 43.6 km |
Southampton Airport | SOU | 54.8 km |
London Luton Airport | LTN | 71.6 km |
RAF Brize Norton | BZZ | 76.2 km |
RAF Fairford | FFD | 83 km |
Bournemouth Airport | BOH | 93.1 km |
London Stansted Airport | STN | 96.8 km |
Bristol Airport | BRS | 135.4 km |
Birmingham International Airport | BHX | 146.3 km |
RAF Mildenhall | MHZ | 148.1 km |
RAF Lakenheath | LKZ | 155.4 km |
East Midlands Airport | EMA | 176.2 km |
Cardiff International Airport | CWL | 178.7 km |
Exeter International Airport | EXT | 194.3 km |
Norwich International Airport | NWI | 209.5 km |
Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport | DSA | 244.9 km |
Manchester Airport | MAN | 251.7 km |
Liverpool John Lennon Airport | LPL | 268 km |
Leeds Bradford Airport | LBA | 293.3 km |
Charles de Gaulle International Airport | CDG | 346.2 km |
Paris-Orly Airport | ORY | 363.1 km |
Brussels Airport | BRU | 369.8 km |
Brussels South Charleroi Airport | CRL | 378.2 km |
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol | AMS | 397.7 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Inception from 2010:
1. The Cafe
- Location: Il Russo
- Region: Paris, France
- Coordinates: 48.84746811, 2.30986970
2. Outside Miles' Academy
- Location: Palais Galliera
- Region: Paris, France
- Coordinates: 48.86598478, 2.29661609
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
The Cafe | Paris | France |
Outside Miles' Academy | Paris | France |
France | Travel to France |
India | Travel to India |
Japan | Travel to Japan |