The Organ in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Title: The Organ
- Location: The Organ, Arches National Park, Moab, USA
- Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
- Latitude: 38.63720379
- Longitude: -109.59838734
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to The Organ, here are the airports closest to it.
1. Salt Lake City International Airport
The airport that is closest to The Organ is Salt Lake City International Airport, which is located 314.1 kilometers (195.1 miles) away from there.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
Salt Lake City International Airport | SLC | 314.1 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade from 1989:
1. The Three Gossips
- Location: The Three Gossips
- Region: Arches National Park, Moab, USA
- Coordinates: 38.63670893, -109.60387952
2. Double Arch
- Location: Double Arch
- Region: Arches National Park, Moab, USA
- Coordinates: 38.69172583, -109.54041306
3. Venice Library
The library that Indiana Jones visits in Venice is actually the Church of San Barnaba.
- Location: Church of San Barnaba
- Region: Campo San Barnaba, Venice, Italy
- Coordinates: 45.43305474, 12.32522719
4. Venice Pier
- Location: Palazzo Barbaro
- Region: Palazzi Barbaro, Venice, Italy
- Coordinates: 45.43176326, 12.32984573
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
The Three Gossips | Arches National Park, Moab | USA |
Double Arch | Arches National Park, Moab | USA |
Venice Library | Campo San Barnaba, Venice | Italy |
Venice Pier | Palazzi Barbaro, Venice | Italy |