Dig Site in Jurassic Park
- Title: Dig Site
- Location: Red Rock Canyon State Park, California, USA
- Movie: Jurassic Park (1993)
- Latitude: 35.42883580
- Longitude: -117.95230843
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to Red Rock Canyon State Park, here are the airports closest to it.
1. Ontario International Airport
The airport that is closest to Red Rock Canyon State Park is Ontario International Airport, which is located 156 kilometers (96.9 miles) away from there.
2. Los Angeles International Airport
Next closest is the Los Angeles International Airport airport, which is located 170.4 km (105.9 miles) away from Red Rock Canyon State Park.
3. John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport
The airport that is third closest is John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport, which is 195.1 km (121.2 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
Ontario International Airport | ONT | 156 km |
Los Angeles International Airport | LAX | 170.4 km |
John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport | SNA | 195.1 km |
McCarran International Airport | LAS | 262.9 km |
San Diego International Airport | SAN | 307.8 km |
General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport | TIJ | 333.6 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Jurassic Park from 1993:
1. The Amber Mine
- Location: Ho’opi’i Falls
- Region: Kapaʻa, Kaua'i, USA
- Coordinates: 22.10732066, -159.34386661
2. Helicopter Waterfall
- Location: Manawaiopuna Falls
- Region: Hanapēpē, Kaua'i, USA
- Coordinates: 21.98834920, -159.52586193
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
The Amber Mine | Kapaʻa, Kaua'i | USA |
Helicopter Waterfall | Hanapēpē, Kaua'i | USA |
USA | Travel to USA |