Stalsk-12 in Tenet
USAMore Images
- Title: Stalsk-12
- Location: Eagle Mountain, Riverside, California, USA
- Movie: Tenet (2020)
- Latitude: 33.85760173
- Longitude: -115.48723384
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to Eagle Mountain, here are the airports closest to it.
1. Ontario International Airport
The airport that is closest to Eagle Mountain is Ontario International Airport, which is located 196.2 kilometers (121.9 miles) away from there.
2. General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport
Next closest is the General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport airport, which is located 201.1 km (125 miles) away from Eagle Mountain.
3. San Diego International Airport
The airport that is third closest is San Diego International Airport, which is 201.7 km (125.3 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
Ontario International Airport | ONT | 196.2 km |
General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport | TIJ | 201.1 km |
San Diego International Airport | SAN | 201.7 km |
John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport | SNA | 221 km |
McCarran International Airport | LAS | 249 km |
Los Angeles International Airport | LAX | 269.7 km |
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport | PHX | 325.1 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Tenet from 2020:
1. Windmills
- Location: Nysted Offshore Wind Farm
- Region: Nysted, Lolland, Denmark
- Coordinates: 54.56076152, 11.73261063
2. The Highway
- Location: Laagna Road
- Region: Tallinn, Estonia
- Coordinates: 59.43995023, 24.83833944
3. Priya's Residence
- Location: Shreevardhan Tower
- Region: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Coordinates: 18.96621638, 72.80406741
4. The Opera Siege
- Location: Linnahall
- Region: Tallinn, Estonia
- Coordinates: 59.44669398, 24.75352587
5. Oslo Opera House
- Location: Oslo Opera House
- Region: Oslo, Østlandet, Norway
- Coordinates: 59.90757990, 10.75310605
6. "Don't be so dramatic"
- Location: Tjuvholmen
- Region: Oslo, Østlandet, Norway
- Coordinates: 59.90825360, 10.72233809
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
Windmills | Nysted, Lolland | Denmark |
The Highway | Tallinn | Estonia |
Priya's Residence | Mumbai, Maharashtra | India |
The Opera Siege | Tallinn | Estonia |
Oslo Opera House | Oslo, Østlandet | Norway |
"Don't be so dramatic" | Oslo, Østlandet | Norway |
Estonia | Travel to Estonia |
India | Travel to India |
Russia | Travel to Russia |