Sarah's Nightmare in Terminator 2: Judgment Day


  • Latitude: 34.08380000
  • Longitude: -118.23657231

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Airports near the location

If you want to travel to Elysian Park, here are the airports closest to it.

1. Los Angeles International Airport

The airport that is closest to Elysian Park is Los Angeles International Airport, which is located 22.3 kilometers (13.8 miles) away from there.

2. John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport

Next closest is the John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport airport, which is located 56.7 km (35.2 miles) away from Elysian Park.

3. Ontario International Airport

The airport that is third closest is Ontario International Airport, which is 58.6 km (36.4 miles) away.

More airports

These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:

Airport IATA Distance
Los Angeles International Airport LAX 22.3 km
John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport SNA 56.7 km
Ontario International Airport ONT 58.6 km
San Diego International Airport SAN 178.8 km
General Abelardo L. Rodríguez International Airport TIJ 208 km
McCarran International Airport LAS 357.8 km

Other locations

Here are filming locations for Terminator 2: Judgment Day from 1991:

All filming locations

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