New York in Vicky Cristina Barcelona
- Title: New York
- Location: South Street Seaport, New York City, New York, USA
- Movie: Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
- Latitude: 40.70582040
- Longitude: -74.00303571
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to South Street Seaport, here are the airports closest to it.
1. La Guardia Airport
The airport that is closest to South Street Seaport is La Guardia Airport, which is located 13.6 kilometers (8.4 miles) away from there.
2. Newark Liberty International Airport
Next closest is the Newark Liberty International Airport airport, which is located 14 km (8.7 miles) away from South Street Seaport.
3. John F Kennedy International Airport
The airport that is third closest is John F Kennedy International Airport, which is 20.3 km (12.6 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
La Guardia Airport | LGA | 13.6 km |
Newark Liberty International Airport | EWR | 14 km |
John F Kennedy International Airport | JFK | 20.3 km |
Philadelphia International Airport | PHL | 140.1 km |
Bradley International Airport | BDL | 175.9 km |
Theodore Francis Green State Airport | PVD | 244.3 km |
Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport | BWI | 283.9 km |
General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport | BOS | 310.2 km |
Syracuse Hancock International Airport | SYR | 319.1 km |
Joint Base Andrews | ADW | 323 km |
Manchester-Boston Regional Airport | MHT | 326.4 km |
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport | DCA | 331.2 km |
Washington Dulles International Airport | IAD | 353.9 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Vicky Cristina Barcelona from 2008:
1. Port Olímpic
- Location: Port Olímpic
- Region: Barcelona, Barcelona Province, Spain
- Coordinates: 41.37935351, 2.19342798
2. Sagrada Família
- Location: Sagrada Família
- Region: Barcelona, Barcelona Province, Spain
- Coordinates: 41.40365067, 2.17435320
3. Park Güell
- Location: Park Güell
- Region: Barcelona, Barcelona Province, Spain
- Coordinates: 41.41448670, 2.15270523
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
Port Olímpic | Barcelona, Barcelona Province | Spain |
Sagrada Família | Barcelona, Barcelona Province | Spain |
Park Güell | Barcelona, Barcelona Province | Spain |
Spain | Travel to Spain |