The Bridge in Waves
- Title: The Bridge
- Location: Rickenbacker Causeway, Florida, USA
- Movie: Waves (2019)
- Latitude: 25.74639901
- Longitude: -80.18507324
Airports near the location
If you want to travel to Rickenbacker Causeway, here are the airports closest to it.
1. Miami International Airport
The airport that is closest to Rickenbacker Causeway is Miami International Airport, which is located 11.8 kilometers (7.3 miles) away from there.
2. Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport
Next closest is the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport airport, which is located 36.4 km (22.6 miles) away from Rickenbacker Causeway.
3. Palm Beach International Airport
The airport that is third closest is Palm Beach International Airport, which is 104.5 km (65 miles) away.
More airports
These airports are within a reasonable distance from this location:
Airport | IATA | Distance |
Miami International Airport | MIA | 11.8 km |
Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport | FLL | 36.4 km |
Palm Beach International Airport | PBI | 104.5 km |
Southwest Florida International Airport | RSW | 179.7 km |
Lynden Pindling International Airport | NAS | 284.2 km |
Sarasota Bradenton International Airport | SRQ | 298.6 km |
Orlando International Airport | MCO | 318.4 km |
Juan Gualberto Gomez International Airport | VRA | 327.1 km |
Tampa International Airport | TPA | 340.1 km |
Orlando Sanford International Airport | SFB | 352.7 km |
José Martí International Airport | HAV | 380.4 km |
Daytona Beach International Airport | DAB | 391.4 km |
Other locations
Here are filming locations for Waves from 2019:
1. The Beach
- Location: Virginia Key
- Region: Florida, USA
- Coordinates: 25.73393469, -80.15761122
2. The High School
Tyler works out at the high school in the beginning of Waves.
- Location: Nova High School
- Region: Davie, Florida, USA
- Coordinates: 26.07543963, -80.23755503
All filming locations
Location | Region | Country |
The Beach | Florida | USA |
The High School | Davie, Florida | USA |
USA | Travel to USA |